Nobody is ALEXANDER and that is my power!

It is a long established fact that you are perfect whenever you carry your name because you are the only rightful to play the role as yourself. You are tagged through the good of your name, and your name was clearly delineated by your action. As for me, what makes me an Alexander is my humble beginnings, the life and ventures that I started with. Now, I am confident and positive because no one is capable to be an Alexander Nartates, and that makes me unique.


With the experiences that I've been through, I derive something beneficial.


Upon prior contemplation, I feel that it is my obligation somehow to pen my life and walks.


I cater my words so that wearied souls could find solace in my works.


The fulfillment of my works' goal could rescue me from the pool of misery.

"My mission is to serve a number of purpose!"

Bound with personal experiences, my head down to my feet were now ready to exalt the imagination of my soul. My right hand holds a pen that was empowered to sketch refreshing views, and my left hand was ready to give a soothing tap to wearied hearts. A piece of a paper and a pen will broadcast what my head cannot.


Completed Pieces


Released Publications


Years in Service

Since 2018

Find out more about what I do

The iconic sign of my noble mission is the plant that resembles me the most. Every part of it is beneficial: from the stem, seeds, leaf. I, too, is ready to make the most use of my ability to reconstruct the hope and squelch the thirst of those who are on the way to look for the enshrouded wisdom. I believe that due to my beginnings, I am now a full, perfected masterpiece that carries the experiences that could bring learnings and inspirations to the others. Remember that a candle has to struggle first, stand on the heat of a boiler so that it can be transformed into an ignitable wick embedded in wax to began its role of consuming itself to give light to others. If a small thing can do this, so did I.

Writing for the community

My tragic start has helped me to value comforts, life, and inspirations. I started to wallow in my sorrows as it gives me the opportunity to create my unwavering stands. Now, I feel that it is my duty to return back the help that I once enjoyed, and that is by writing for my community.

Producing Bound Volumes

Since I see the needs of reassuring words, I make my penned stories possible to read, and that is through binding them into volumes. Digital copies of these volumes are made available for public, and is now displayed at ALN Library for online browsing and could get a copy at ALN Downloads.

Garnering Wider Audiences

Valuing its worth, posted pieces were integrated and linked to various leading sharing sites, and out of the works are cited words that could touches the deepest of the wearied hearts. I also enabled the Email Subscription so that newest pieces could be sent to the comforts of your own inbox.

What Readers Say

Your words are all harmonic sounds to my inspired ears!

Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software

Richard Roe

Richard Roe

UX Designer

Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software.

Janie Doe

Janie Doe

UI Designer

Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software.

Katie Fox

Katie Fox

Fashion Blogger

Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software.

Melisa Edwards

Melisa Edwards

Food Critic

Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software.

Janie Doe

Janie Doe

UI Designer

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